
Creative Effective Google Adwords Campaigns with the 5 W’s

The 5 W’s of Successful Google Adwords Campaigns

It is easier said than done but it is possible to make your Google Adwords campaigns effective no matter what product you are selling. All pay-per-click campaigns requires two things: creativity and data.

As with every other advertising strategy, there is the usual 5 W’s: Who? What? Where? When? Why?


In order to understand how you are going to sell your product or brand, you need to know who you are selling to. You need to know how they would phrase a question into their search engine. What kind of wording would they use? What would gain their attention the fastest? What would seem most creditable to them? Understanding your audience is just one part–the creativity part we discussed. Once you have gotten creative, you need to cross-reference those ideas with data. In order to select the best keywords, use the Google Adwords Keyword Planner. But be careful, if you are not stringent with your parameters, your data may be skewed, leading to bad selections and money/time lost.


What are you selling? What makes your product better than any other competitors product? Is it different? It’s okay if it isn’t, but you have to sell it like it is going to get a Nobel Prize. Think about what about the product would attract YOUR attention. What feature would make you take a second look at the product you are advertising? Do you have a better price? Better materials? A feature that competitor’s customers wish their product had? What promotions or sales do you offer? You have to get into the mind of a potential customer and have the promotion that would appeal to them. These will be the keywords and call to actions that will make up your campaign.

After you have done this, use your Analytics feature “Search Queries” find out what search engine question are triggering your ad. This can give you a better idea of how people phrase their questions when they are looking for a certain product as well as helping you see if certain keywords are triggering superfluous clicks.


Knowing that you want to target the whole nation is a nice thought, but it is a thorough thought? If you have a product that can be distributed nationally, that is great. But you have to realize, when you want to swim in a big pond, you have to compete with bigger fish. And not only compete for customers, but compete for keywords, headlining ad space and budgets. If you are a local company and want to target local consumers, then do you just target your city? No! Take into consideration the areas around your city, cities that may appreciate you product (if you sell surfboards in California, think about branching out to Hawaii and Florida too!)

It is isn’t just what physical place that you decide to promote your product, it is where you decide to promote it as well. In Google Adwords campaigns, your Display Network can provide a host of “placements” for your ad. Under your Tools Button, and under the Keyword Planner, you can find the Display Planner.

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By placing your product page, your competition’s product page, or just a few keywords, Google will find the ad space on different websites, apps, and videos that are relevant to your product. The Display Planner can even target your request if you want:

  • Direct Response- Conversions/ Sales / Leads
  • Branding Campaign- Promotion / Brand Awareness


They say that timing is everything and this maxim holds true in your Google Adwords campaigns. In Google Adwords, you have different options for the timing aspect of your ads.

Option 1: Delivery Time

In your Adwords campaign, under the Settings tab, you can find the Delivery Time section looking something like this:

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Now this allows you to decide how and when you budget is spent. The general rule is that you want a standard delivery for most of a campaign, ensuring that your ads are shown across a variety of times. With the “Accelerated” option, you can have more ads shown quickly in the day until your daily budget is reached. This option may be more applicable to the advertiser that has to meet a budget.

You can also coordinate the times you want you ads showing. Under the Settings tab, there is a “Schedule” section. Let’s say you begin to notice in your Analytics that you have repeated clicks past 11 PM but all of these clicks have high bounce rates and lead to no conversions. This time space is doing nothing for your client and is draining your daily budget. You can make an ad schedule so that never happens again and if you have a time of day that your ads are most often clicked, you can focus in on that time slot.

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Why use Google Adwords? I see those ads and I never click on them, you might be saying. Are these ads really effective? These are common and valid questions. Unlike their billboard, radio, and television counterparts, advertising online, especially with Adwords is a controlled and scalable to do advertising. If you want that billboard in Time Square, you’re going to have to pay tens of thousands of dollars. A commercial during the Super Bowl? Millions. When you use Google Adwords, you compete for the keywords, not the airtime. Just because someone has the biggest budget does not necessarily mean that they will get that coveted spot. Google decides the chances of your ad selling based on a number of factors including:

  • Ad’s relevance to the product
  • Quality of landing page
  • Budget
  • Ad composition

This stringent review process means that only those with relevant products and well made ads are going to be shown. This makes it a lot easier for startups and small businesses to compete with their corporate counterparts.

For those that don’t believe “those ads never get clicked on”, you couldn’t be more wrong. As Google continues to improve their algorithm, PPC ads appear more like organic search results, making people feel more comfortable with clicking on them. As recent as 3 years ago, that is how Google earned 97% of their revenue through advertising at an estimated 32.2 billion! If that doesn’t convince you of the validity of this method of advertising, I don’t know what will!

Have more questions about Google Adwords, pay per click ads or looking for management for your Adwords campaign? Shoot me an email at [email protected] or call us at 504-521-6222!