Dynamic Ads are the Perfect Fit for Retailers

*Updated October 9, 2020

There are a lot of different ways to describe paid search marketing: Google Ads, Google Adwords, PPC, paid search marketing and so on. However, there are so many features to paid advertising that the average business owner doesn’t understand all the ins and outs. At Online Optimism, we strive to explain what we do so that we can work together with our clients to build successful marketing campaigns and promote transparency.

If you are a retailer and looking to expand your customer base, using Google Ads can be a great and easy way to get traffic to your site and get potential customers seeing your ads. But if you are searching around agencies looking for the best kind of paid search marketing plan, be sure that dynamic ad campaigns are included. These kind of campaigns offer valuable ROI and are great from an advertiser’s perspective as well. Let’s dive in further.

What are Dynamic Ads?

Dynamic ads are, as their namesake relays, dynamic in the way that Google decides to structure the ads. When you make a search ad campaign, you compile keywords into ad groups, then craft ads based on those keywords so that when someone searches a keyword you have curated, your ad will appear (hopefully). When you use dynamic ads, Google decides the best headline and landing page to use based on: what the user searched and what targeting options you’ve decided to use.

Seems Risky, Doesn’t it?

It really isn’t though. Google has a sophisticated algorithm in place that matches what the user searches to what areas of your site you have congregated to the campaign to show. So let’s say you sell outdoor furniture. You have framed your campaign so that dynamic ads will show for all of your wicker outdoor furniture. If you have your dynamic campaign set to target your wicker furniture pages, if a user should search “4 piece outdoor wicker table set,” Google can determine the best headline for your ad (you write your own description lines) and will send them to the right landing page as well.

There are a couple of deal breakers when it comes to dynamic ads. If you have a poorly optimized site or a one-page site, you won’t be able to control the information that Google pulls to create your ad. Let’s take that previous example, the furniture company, and apply it to this. Say you have a one page scrolling website that features all of your products on one page (nothing wrong with that, especially if you inventory is small) but when you target “wicker” in your settings, Google will scan that whole page and could place other products as your headline instead of the piece you know the user is searching for. If you are a retailer with a small product line, consider a search or display campaign targeting the specific items that you sell so you can be sure that your ads meet user searches.

What Kind of Benefits Can Come From Dynamic Ads?

Dynamic ads have proven benefits because you are letting Google decide what the best advertising headline should be used. You simply direct Google where it should be taking headlines from. When you have a large inventory, you don’t always have the time to create ads for every single product, but with dynamic ads, you give Google the parameters to create headlines for your ads, you write descriptive text, and provide a landing page.

With dynamic ads, you will notice higher impression share meaning that your ads are showing when qualified, more time spent on site seen with a lower bounce rate, and most importantly more conversions and purchases because not only do you have that is targeted to a specific product on your site, but Google matches what the user searches to your products and creates the right ad for that user.

If you have more questions about what dynamic ads could do for your sales, give us at Online Optimism a call. As a Google Partner Agency, we’re dedicated to bringing the best digital marketing capabilities to the New Orleans area!


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