We reached out to Online Optimism, after going through a significant content rewrite of our website, to undergo a substantial visual redesign. Our goal was to modernize our site on the front and back ends, matching our digital vision with the industry-leading organization we are in real life. Their team helped us achieve that and more, building a website that not only looks great, but functions exceptionally as well.
The World Trade Center approached us seeking a modern website with improved functionality and appearance. Our challenge involved designing a simpler interface to highlight the content and showcase the wealth of business opportunities in New Orleans and the State of Louisiana.
Mobile-First Design.
Our mobile-first approach ensures that content can be accessed from any device at any given time. With businesspeople on-the-go in mind, we designed a simple and functional experience.
Everything Where You’d Expect It To Be.
Combined pages and a re-thought content strategy allowed us to streamline the navigation and provide users with the information they need – when they need it.
A Rich Desktop Experience.
While our design is mobile-first, the desktop experience is uncompromising and beautiful. Immersive imagery complements the content without distracting the user.
Simplicity and Efficiency.
Clear call-to-actions and iconography guide the user to the where they want to go. With a variety of ways to explore and find new content, there’s less time searching and more time learning about business opportunities in New Orleans.
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