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Google Shopping Ads
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Need to Sell Your Product on Google?
Google Shopping ads are the perfect way to boost sales and move inventory out of your store. These ads have been proven to increase visits to your website and even bring in foot traffic to your brick-and-mortar location. Google Shopping ads contain information about your what you’re trying to sell, where a customer can buy the product, and what else they can get their hands on if they come to your e-commerce site. Google Shopping ads have become the new digital storefronts, giving potential customers a full shopping experience that can only be compared to visiting the stores themselves.
Even better still, you only pay for a Google Shopping ad when someone clicks through to your website or views your local inventory. This pay-per-click advertising means that you won’t get bogged down by unnecessary costs that don’t lead to sales. Google Shopping campaigns display more than just ad text. Display a photo of the actual product you’re trying to sell, the product’s name and price, the name of your store, and so much more.
Google Shopping ads are more complex than a simple text ad or pay-per-click campaign. To effectively run a campaign and sell products, it’s best to have an AdWords certified professional working on your account. Our team can track your sales, adjust strategies, and improve your campaigns without you worrying about how to follow Google’s best practices.
With Search, Video, Shopping, Display, and Mobile Google AdWords certifications, our digital ads team is prepared to handle any of your Google ad campaigns.
Leave the Advertising to Certified Google Partners
As a Certified Google Partner, Online Optimism is well equipped to run comprehensive Google Shopping ads for any type of product. Our digital ads team has generated success in industries such as automotive, jewelry, food and drink, and more.
Different forms of advertising serve different purposes. While text ads or social media marketing may increase brand awareness, Google Shopping ads are specifically made for sales conversion. Through extensive targeting on Google’s ad platform, our team is able to find the exact audience that may be interested in your product. All it takes is a bit of research and experience, and we can sell your products faster than you can produce them.
Best of all, Shopping ads and Shopping campaigns increase your digital presence. They help draw large volumes of traffic to your site by boosting its CTR (click-through rate). Unlike standard text ads, Shopping ads have been shown to double one’s CTR. With these ads, you’ll be able to take advantage of powerful reporting tools, which show how well your products are actually performing online.
Google Shopping ads make up over 76% of all U.S. retail search advertising spending.
Create ads that lead to sales.
Google Shopping ads seen on mobile devices win more than 87% of clicks.
Google is actively switching its focus to making itself more mobile search-friendly.
Mobile devices derive 29% of Google Shopping revenues.
Speak to your customers on a platform they trust.
What have others said about our Google services?
Online Optimism's team has been crucial in improving our digital presence at Superior Honda. From day 1, their management of our search advertising has helped us stay at the top of Google in an extremely competitive industry. They’ve been more a partner than an agency and we enjoy the trending marketing tactics that they bring to our dealership.
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Learn more about our different Google Shopping Ads strategies below
Google Merchant Center is the beginning of any Google Shopping ad campaign. Here, our digital ads team uploads your store, brand, and product data so that it’s readily available at the start of your campaign. Once your company’s inventory and information are loaded into the Merchant Center, Google scrapes the data and auto-populates ads for your approval. Our team optimizes these ads and puts them in front of your target audience.
Has it ever seemed like a product was “following” you around on the web? This is the result of dynamic remarketing. Through Google’s advertising platform, our team is able to show products and ads to potential customers again and again if they haven’t converted and made a purchase. Dynamic product remarketing is a great way to keep your products top of mind for consumers who may be on the fence about purchasing a product. But don’t worry, our ads can be capped so your brand won’t come off as too pushy. By using dynamic remarketing, we can see which users accessed your site and started moving through your checkout funnel. Those who didn’t make a purchase are served an ad.
Showcase Shopping ads appear when a person searches for a general term, and it’s clear that they haven’t made up their mind about what they want to purchase. Showcase ads give you the perfect opportunity to display a whole customizable set of products that may suit a user’s needs and lead to a large sale. These types of ads help people decide what to buy and where to buy it from, while you track engagements and conversions in real time. Showcase ads have the ability to expand and reveal an entire selection of products in a specific category. This gives the consumer more options, and it increases their likelihood of making a purchase.
Although most Google Shopping ads scrape data, photos, and inventory information from Google’s Merchant Center, we are able to create custom photography for Showcase ads. Because Showcase ads group together to display an entire collection, it’s necessary to have a cohesive set of photos that tell a story. Buyers want to see high-quality, custom photography that demonstrates the value of each product. Our design team and photographers work closely with the digital ads department to create ads that are customized for your business.