How Your Company Book Club Can Promote DEI

July 22, 2020

Demand for DEI is growing. Over 60% of Gen Zers believe diversity benefits society, and almost 80% believe brands should have active DEI efforts. So how do you start a DEI book club?

Green Star


Make sure you have SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound) goals. What do you hope to achieve over the next 3, 6, and 12 months?

Determine Your Goals

Green Star


Establish clear policies and guidelines. We recommend making participation optional and giving staff input on book selection.

Create an Action Plan & Assign Responsibly

Green Star


Get people excited to join, participate in activities, or even take on a leadership role. Schedule book discussions, volunteer events, or even guest speakers.

Generate Excitement

Green Star


Measure employee attendance, participation, satisfaction, and anything else relevant to your goals. Keep adjusting to make your book club a success.

Measure Results & Adjust

Want to learn more? Click below to read all 10 tips and see our own list of books.