Top 4 Benefits of Hiring a Ghostwriter for Content Marketing
Halloween is fast approaching, so I’ve taken it upon myself as the office ghost to explain the benefits of hiring a ghostwriter for your content marketing. Before we dive into all of the benefits, let’s first go over what ghostwriting is and how it’s used.
A ghostwriter is simply an unnamed author who writes content for another person. Ghostwriters are famously used for celebrity books, such as “The Art of the Deal,” written by Tony Schwartz, not President Donald Trump, or “Onward: How Starbucks Fought for Its Life Without Losing Its Soul,” written by Joanne Gordon, not Starbucks CEO, Howard Schultz. The busier a person is, or if they aren’t strong writers, the more likely and sensible it may be for them to hire a ghostwriter. As business owners and industry professionals, you may find that a ghostwriter is the most cost-effective solution for your company when filling your content marketing needs. Below are the top 4 benefits of hiring a ghostwriter.
1. Ghostwriters Understand Content Marketing
Although most people may associate ghostwriting with books, much of the content you see online was probably written by a ghostwriter. At Online Optimism, our team of ghost and human ghostwriters contribute to the blogs on many of our clients’ sites. However, if you look at their blog pages, you’ll never see our names or faces attributed to any articles. This is because customers want to hear the opinions and perspectives of the professionals within that given industry. Our content development process involves an extensive amount of research to understand as much as we can about clients’ industries. We then go back and forth with our clients to make sure each piece of content on the web is as accurate as possible.
Though the clients may have a better grasp of the content itself, professional content writers and ghostwriters understand the purpose of the content and how it will be used. This allows us to tailor the content for your specific needs. Whether you’re working to rank higher for a specific search term, educate your audience in a quick and easy way, or create something shareable for social media, ghostwriters understand content marketing. Even if you think you may be able to articulate your message perfectly, an expert ghostwriter with an understanding of SEO can help optimize that content to make it high-ranking on the web.
2. Ghostwriters Save Your Company Time and Effort
Writing insightful blog posts or long-form content pieces takes a tremendous amount of research, time, and effort. Deciding where you want to allocate time and resources is one of the most important decisions you can make as a business owner. So, why would you devote all you or your employees’ time to decoding the ins and outs of creating the perfect piece of content marketing?
According to Hubspot, experienced marketers can take between 1-4 hours to write a typical blog post. If that’s how long content marketers take, it’s fair to say an inexperienced professional within your company could spend the better part of a day writing a single blog post. For many businesses, it may not be worth it to invest in a full-time content writer, and so they decide that ghostwriting is the most logical solution.
3. Ghostwriters are Objective
For many internal marketing departments, content writers can get caught in vicious cycles of producing the same or similar content over and over again. Even worse, their content can morph from being educational and helpful to becoming too promotional and unreadable. Readers crave quality content that is actually providing them with useful information. Because ghostwriters are not in-house marketers, they can take an objective look at your business and write in a way that actually excites readers.
Even better, ghostwriters may even be your target customer, giving you an inside look at how your audience thinks and what they care about. Ghostwriters typically write about a whole range of topics on a daily basis. Our team alone can write about automotive sales to cryptocurrency to hospitality and beyond in a given week. This range gives us an outside perspective and more experience tailoring specific content to niche audiences.
4. Ghostwriters Become Your Partners
Ghostwriters don’t have to be some far-off, unnamed writer who you’ve never met. More frequently than not, ghostwriters work in marketing agencies and become your partner throughout your marketing campaign. At Online Optimism, what may start off as a ghostwriting relationship often melds into a co-authorship for particularly tricky topics. Ghostwriters help to form that personal relationship so that it can be easier to write in the client’s voice.
One of the biggest drawbacks of hiring a ghostwriter can be that the writer does not completely understand your product or service. It’s up to the writer to form this relationship with the client so your message is accurate and it is shared effectively.
Spooky New Orleans Ghostwriters at Online Optimism
The ghostwriters and content team at Online Optimism work to make your marketing campaign as smooth as possible. We are a group of objective writers who understand content marketing, save you time, and become your partners along the way. Contact Online Optimism today for more information.