Case Study: Balancing Website Authority and Industry Authority


Sentient Digital, Inc. came to us with the goal of using content to educate potential clients and job candidates about their services and expertise. They also wanted to increase their brand’s visibility and improve their online presence.

Person types on a computer with cybersecurity icons


As a provider of cutting-edge technology solutions, Sentient Digital has a client base consisting of government agencies and military divisions as well as private businesses. Due to the technical nature of SDi’s work, as well as the high stakes of selecting a secure, reliable, and effective technology provider, they needed content that could clearly convey their value to a sophisticated audience.

At the same time, they needed to get their name and expertise shared online in order to expand their reach and web presence. But the kind of groundbreaking, unique solutions that SDi often provides to clients are difficult to translate into searches on Google, let alone ones with significant search volume.


Online Optimism developed a plan for a content marketing and SEO campaign that would predominantly involve blogging, custom infographics, and link building, with social media and eventually a website rebuild added on later. Working with SDi’s team, we regularly rotate between a variety of topics appealing to their different audiences on the blog and their social media, remaining flexible to include any content that may be more timely or become a priority for SDi.

Many blog posts focus on sharing thought leadership and company news, appealing to both prospective clients and hires. Custom infographics can help illustrate some of these complex ideas, and social media distributes these pieces to a wider audience than those who are already on the website. For these posts, we remain in close communication with SDi, often interviewing relevant team members via phone call or email to help us produce the content effectively.

Interspersed among these content pieces are blog posts designed to answer search queries and increase SDi’s search engine rankings. While these users may not match SDi’s target audience as closely, this content is still valuable in demonstrating the company’s wide range of knowledge, building brand awareness, and growing the website’s authority. Link building supports these efforts as well by sharing SDi’s name and expertise.


In SDi’s most recent 6-month campaign:

visits occurred on the website, a 143% increase compared to the previous 6 months
of website traffic came from organic search
blog posts had a #1 ranking on Google, with many appearing in Featured Snippets as well

Featured Snippets

From the Client

As our business has grown, so have our marketing needs. Online Optimism has been the perfect fit to help us adapt our strategies and expand our online presence.

Chris Mobley from SDi
Chris Mobley
Sentient Digital, Inc.

Read more about our work for SDi

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